Wednesday, May 09, 2007

State Suffers Tens of Million Rupiah Losses Due to Fictitious Tax Invoice

4:56:00 PM / 0 comments

Up to early May 2007, the Tax Directorate General has found nine cases of fictitious tax invoices which caused the state to suffer more than Rp20.1 billion in losses. The five fictitious tax cases were in Medan, North Sumatra; one in Jambi; two in Lampung and one in Jakarta.

The Director of Tax Intelligence and Investigation, Mochamad Tjiptardjo, said in Jakarta yesterday (7/5) that tax officers were also finalizing the investigation into the fictitious tax invoice carried out by a consultant office in Jakarta. “We continue concentrating on this case as the loss is certainly higher (than the findings in the nine cases),” he said.

The findings in the fictitious tax invoice cases, he said, were based on the complaints, reports and information from the general public to the tax investigation officers during 2007. The mode of operation includes preparing annual notification letter on behalf of the taxpayer's name with the claim amount already arranged based on the taxpayer's request, also issuing and using fictitious tax invoices.

Based on the administration records of the Tax Directorate General, he said taxpayers, either a body or individual, who have become suspects did not have tax numbers or never submitted the annual income tax notification.

He stressed that every action of using fictitious tax invoices is subject to imprisonment in line with Article 39 Paragraph 1, Letter a,b and c in conjunction with Article 43 Paragraph 1 of the Decree No.16/2000 on Tax General Provisions and Procedures.

The Head of the Tax Investigation Sub-directorate, Ilhamsyah, said the perpetrators who abused the fictitious tax invoice have become suspects.

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